文中引用(in-textCitation),如果essay正文中引用了作者的观点,需要在这句话末尾加上引用。 期刊论文或电子杂志 姓氏,名字的首个大写字母,年份.文章名.期刊名(斜体)卷(Volume)期(number),页码.Family namejNiTiAL(S).Year. Title ofarticle Journal Title.Volume(issue number),page numbers. 引用书籍 (姓氏名字...
1. Harvardin-text citation文内引用 1.1 Common rules In-text citation也就是常说的文内引用,需要用括号括起来,出现在文中你引用了的内容附近。括号里需要包括作者的姓氏和出版年份,以及参考文章的页码或范围(如果适用)。 例子: Referencing is an essential academic skill (Pears and Shields, 2019). The nov...
page numbers Include page numbers when you quote or use and idea or argument from a specific page or pages. If your citation refers to ideas that occur throughout an article or book, there is no need to include the page numbers within your in-text citation. The following examples will ...
(2) If the author's name appears in the text, the year of publication is included in parentheses instead.(3) When referring to specific pages, sections, or chapters, the page numbers should also be included in the in-text citation.(4) For multiple authors, the first author's...
The page number(s) of the cited work (necessary if direct quotation or figures/ data are used) Doe (2007)argues that... If the author's name does not appear in the sentence itself, state the author's surname and year of publication. .....
In-text citations only refer to the author surname, publication year, and sometimes the page numbers. Less information is included here so as not to interrupt the flow of the reader. This guide on formatting page numbers in Harvard style provides more details on how to include page numbers ...
In-text citation (print or online) structure:(Author last name, Year published)Example:(Ornes, 2020)Published October 29, 2020.Harvard Formatting Guide Harvard Formatting et al Usage Direct Quotes In-text Citations Multiple Authors No Authors Page Numbers Writing an Outline View Harvard Guide ...
文内引用(Citation/In-text Reference)文内引用比较简单,在所有引用的语句之后,在小括号中标明文献第...
In-text Referencing Harvard In-text R Referencing means giving or citin system, for each citation you are r • the author's surname, the paraphrase in the body of yo numbers for paraphrases). • the full bibliographical details Referencing is an academic conve • ensures that you are ...
If two or more authors are cited at the same point in the text then they are included in the same in-text citation, separated by a semicolon e.g. (Brown 1991; Smith 2003). They are presented alphabetically by author. When directly quoting from another source, the relevant page number ...