1. Harvardin-text citation文内引用 1.1 Common rules In-text citation也就是常说的文内引用,需要用括号括起来,出现在文中你引用了的内容附近。括号里需要包括作者的姓氏和出版年份,以及参考文章的页码或范围(如果适用)。 例子: Referencing is an essential academic skill (Pears and Shields, 2019). The nov...
文内引用(Citation/In-text Reference)文内引用比较简单,在所有引用的语句之后,在小括号中标明文献第...
(1) In-text citation typically includes the author's last name and the year of publication. This information is usually placed in parentheses following the text citation.(2) If the author's name appears in the text, the year of publication is included in parentheses instead.(3) ...
If you are referencing a book with no author, simply use the title of the book in italics where you would have used the author’s surname. In-text citation template: (Book name,Publication year, Page number) Examples: The moon orbits the Earth in an elliptical orbit in 27 days and...
For more style basics, read this Harvard referencing in-text citations guide and this article on formatting Harvard referencing style papers. Works Referenced: Pears, R. and Shields G. (2019) Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. 11th rev. edn. London: Red Globe Press.Harvard...
Web pages with no author or title Citation structure: URL of the pageThe year the site was published/last updated (in round brackets)(Accessed: date) In-text citation Salt dough cookies (http://www.wholesomerecipes.com/saltdough.html, 2018) are a wonderful way to…. ...
Web pages with no author or title Citation structure: URL of the page The year the site was published/last updated (in round brackets) (Accessed: date) In-text citation Salt dough cookies (http://www.wholesomerecipes.com/saltdough.html, 2018) are a wonderful way to…. ...
AuthorDateSystem 8/22/2021 1 LearningOutcomes •Youwillbeabletolistthethreefundamentalreasonsbehindreferencing •Youbeabletoexplainwhenyoumustreference •YouwillbeabletoproduceareferencelistentryforanarticlefromaneditedbookandaWebpage •Youwillbeabletousein-textcitationtoreferenceanarticlefromaneditedbookanda...
Citations in the text should give the authors name with the year of publication and then all references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper/dissertation. This guide aims to outline how to reference using the Harvard method. The Harvard method is not the only ...