本课程是全球顶校Harvard哈佛大学开设的 CS50 系列课程的分支之一,结合Python编程语言,探讨现代人工智能的基础概念和算法,深入探讨对游戏引擎、手写识别和机器翻译等技术的理解和思考。课程延续了哈佛一如既往的激情活泼风格,非常具备启发性。 通过课程学习,学生可以接触到图搜索算法、分类、优化、强化学习以及人工智能、机...
他教授的 CS50 成为哈佛大学、耶鲁大学受众最大的课程之一,并成为 edX 最大的 MOOC,注册人数超过 400 万。 课程主题 CS50-AI 课程内容覆盖从传统通用算法(搜索算法、知识系统、概率模型)、典型机器学习算法(监督学习、KNN、感知器、svm、无监督、聚类)到机器学习优化知识(损失函数、过拟合,正则化),再到深度学习...
Project solutions for Harvard's CS50AI course. pythonnlpmachine-learningnatural-language-processingreinforcement-learningaideep-learningneural-networktensorflowpython3pygameartificial-intelligencesupervised-learningcs50unsupervised-learningartificial-intelligence-algorithmsartificial-intelligence-based-gameartificial-intelligen...
CS50AI leverages the Python programming language to explore modern artificial intelligence. It covers foundational AI concepts, such as search algorithms and knowledge models, and builds on them to discuss more advanced concepts, such as optimization and machine learning. The course is taught byBrian ...
(Harvard also offers other free courses on topics such as Python, web development, and AI. Learn more in ourHarvard CS50 guide.) CS50 Overview Malan invites students on stage to explain binary numbers in an interactive manner. On the left, you can see the green screen used during live co...
CS50-AI CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python, Harvard University The Online Judge will take about 3 weeks to evaluate our submissions, and I don't know if my code is bug-free. Project0 Degrees Tic-Tac-Toe Project1 Knights Minesweeper Project2 PageRank Heredity Project3...
CS50's Introduction to Programming with ScratchFree Using Python for ResearchFree Leaders of LearningFree American Government: Constitutional FoundationsFree U.S. Political Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Courts, and BureaucracyFree Citizen Politics in America: Public Opinion, Elections, Interest Groups...
Lvanka_创作的生活有声书作品HarvardX:CS50 的 Python 编程,目前已更新2个声音,收听最新音频章节课程/CS50P 2022/Introduction。繁花
CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python If you are in the field of computer science and are interested in learning the insides of Artificial Intelligence then this is the course for you. It will help you take the first step toward the concepts and algorithms that form the ...
Harvard's CS50 最近看了哈佛大学David主讲的计算机科学入门,给我一个最大的感受是计算机编程语言真的不重要,重要的是编程者的思想。 1、同一个问题可以就Scratch解决,也可以用C,用Python,用JavaScript 解决,只是语法特性不一样而已。 2、当你在集中精力用某一编程语言时,自然而然的只会关注该语言的特性,而编程...