Harry Winston Hope Collection An extraordinary high jewelry collection with a series of one-of-a-kind blue diamond jewels inspired by the Hope Diamond Necklace. The Incredibles Collection Fashioned from diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds or precious gemstones, The Incredibles are unmatched in scale...
Lot 631 from Phillips Live Auction on 8 July 2020. A Fine and Classic 12.55-carat ... Lot 605 from Phillips Live Auction on 8 July 2020. A Very Fine Pair of ... Harry Winston Rose of England diamond brooch, mid 20th century, from Yafa Jewelry....
Manhattan Adornment蓝色和粉色蓝宝石高级珠宝项链 新品 卡地亚NATURE SAUVAGE高级珠宝系列新作 John Hardy 2025春季Spear 50 & Slim Spear系列 卡地亚闪耀第97届奥斯卡:Zoe Saldana瞩目演绎全新可转换式高级珠宝项链 宝珀携手陈晓卿推出《过好每一天》,诠释东方时间哲学 ...
理性浪漫,优雅沿革 宝玑250年的制表技艺与法国文化的隽永印记 HUBLOT宇舶表重磅发布全球首款多彩陶瓷材质腕表:BIG BANG UNICO魔力陶瓷限量版 Bell & Ross柏莱士推出新作BR-03 Astro腕表 BAUNAT宝欧娜隐藏光环钻戒璀璨上市,爱的礼物闪耀升级 沙夫拉特 SCHAFFRATH「肆意生长 身心自洽」主题沙龙于京城优雅落幕 ...
Founded in New York City, in 1932, Harry Winston continues to set the standard for the ultimate in fine jewelry and high-end watchmaking. Known throughout his life, as the “King of Diamonds,” and “Jeweler to the Stars,” Mr. Winston’s innovative design philosophy – in which the ge...
爱情礼赞 Harry Winston婚礼珠宝系列 "钻石之王"Harry Winston(海瑞·温斯顿)精美绝伦的婚礼珠宝系列作为对至臻爱情的极致礼赞,如真爱般,稀有且独一无二。 Harry Winston 婚礼珠宝系列 Harry Winston先生与钻石的美丽情缘始于一个世纪之前。在其卓越传奇的一生中,三分之一以上的世界顶级知名美钻都曾与品牌结缘。其中就...
珠宝品牌海瑞温斯顿 Harry Winston 的创作始于对稀有钻石的热忱与喜爱,高级珠宝系列 High Jewelry 中汇集了尺寸引人注目的黄钻主石,25.33ct的金丝雀黄钻、80ct的雷迪恩切割黄钻等。设计师通过华丽的钻石来衬托黄钻璀璨的火彩,营造出温暖而绚丽的视觉效果。#VanDream的珠宝知识分享# 戒指设计无疑是...
Camila Cabello, Nominee for Pop Vocal Album & Pop Solo Performance, wore a Harry winston jewelry Morganite, Spinel and Diamond Cluster Drop Earrings
#腕表时刻##新表速递# Harry Winston海瑞温斯顿推出全新限量白金款海洋Ocean系列腕表,珍珠母贝表盘上镶嵌着蓝宝石和钻石,仿佛波涛涌动的海浪,充满活力的宝石镶嵌工艺是海瑞温斯顿的永恒挚爱,让我们一起探索...
Request additional images or videos from the seller Ask the Seller Platinum | Seller is Online Harry Winston Lily Cluster Diamond Platinum Pendant Necklace Today, December 17 1stDibs Seller6:26 AM How can I help you today? Ask me about similar pieces and I'd be happy to...