‘Harry Potter’ (TV Series)A currently untitled TV series based on J.K. Rowling's “Harry Potter” books is set to debut on HBO in 2026. Per HBO, "The series will feature a new cast to lead a new generation of fandom, full of the fantastic detail and much-loved characters ‘Harry...
A newHarry PotterTV series is officially in the works. During the Warner Bros. Discovery presentation in April 2023, the network revealed they were moving forward with a TV reboot ofJ.K. Rowling’s iconic novels for their streaming service, Max, with a the “decade-long serie...
Stay up to date with all of our most recent articles featuring topics from Harry Potter franchise.
According to a press release fromWizarding World, the newHarry PotterTV series, based on the book series of the same name by J.K. Rowling, is officially casting the roles of Harry, Ron, and Hermione right now. That's right; they are looking for the next Daniel Radcliffe,...
A TV series based on the beloved Harry Potter novels has officially been ordered at HBO Max, the streamer revealed on Wednesday. The project is described as a “faithful adaptation” of each of J.K. Rowling’s seven Harry Potter books, with plans for the show to span a decade. (It’s...
The new films will be set around 70 years prior to the Potter stories.David Yates, who directed the final four Harry Potter movies, is on board to direct, and there's the small matter of casting the lead character, Newt Scamander.Matt Smith had been rumoured at one stage, but it ...
All information about the Harry Potter movie adaptation of the book series by author J.K. Rowling including trivia.
Harry Potter fans must complete two tasks if they want a chance to star in new TV series 2 months ago New Harry Potter series launches casting call for Harry, Ron and Hermione roles 2 months ago Emma Watson had sad admission during final few years of filming Harry Potter ...
Gameplay includes detailed character creation, spell-casting, exploration, stealth, and elements of both the action and role-playing genres. As it is common for non-free console and PC games, no system of microtransactions is used, unlike the similar mobile game Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.[...
Wizarding World: Why We Need a TV Series on the First Wizarding War Harry Potter Every Harry Potter fan knows what happened during the First Wizarding War -- so why not give us a show about it? By Robin Reynolds Dec 1, 2023 All Seven Harry Potter Movies Get Pixar-Inspired Posters ...