Looking for HP time travel fic I'm looking for a Harry Potter fanfiction where Harry time travels to the Marauder's time and pretends to be James Potter's cousin. All I remember is that he kept everything a secret until baby Harry was born, then he told the Marauder's and Lily tha...
In taking apart the Harry Potter series using the polar opposite of magic, this story manages to create something wholly original, and yet completely dependent upon its parent. This story could not work with the names filed off, re-purposed and re...
Religions 2014, 5, 219–267; doi:10.3390/rel5010219 Article OPEN ACCESS religions ISSN 2077-1444 www.mdpi.com/journal/religions 'Snapewives' and 'Snapeism': A Fiction-Based Religion within the Harry Potter Fandom Zoe Alderton Independent scholar; E-Mail: zoe.alderton@ssla.org.au Received: ...