Let them show off their Hogwarts™ house pride with our Slytherin™ costume. It includes a hooded heavyweight robe with the Slytherin house crest, a purple and green knit scarf and a matching faux silk tie. DETAILS THAT
The Slytherin common room The Slytherin Boys' Dormitory The Slytherin Girls' Dormitory The Hufflepuff common room The Hufflepuff Boys' Dormitory The Hufflepuff Girls' Dormitory The Ravenclaw common room The Ravenclaw Boys' Dormitory The Ravenclaw Girls' Dormitory The Owlery Tower The Owlery The ...
HarryPotter101:TheMarauders Welcome to Harry Potter 101! A series about getting back to the basics of the Harry Potter stories. Whether you have just discovered the wizarding world or have been here since 1997, we think you’ll learn something new. Today's topic: the Marauders… ...
Potter family Practitioners of ancient magic Return of Lord Voldemort participants Second Order of the Phoenix Seekers Serpent of Slytherin victims Siege of Hogwarts participants Skirmish at Malfoy Manor participants Skirmish at the Room of Requirement participants Slug Club Society for the...
国际区LOGO: Harry Potter: Magic Awakened(已关服) 日本区LOGO:ハリー•ポッター:魔法の覚醒 韩国区LOGO:해리포터 깨어나 마법 Summonables 召唤卡(驻场卡) —COMMON 普通— Spiders 小蜘蛛群🕷️ /3 Centaur 马人🐎人马 /3 ...
In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Binns states, "There is not a shred of evidence that Slytherin ever built so much as a secret broom cupboard!" Ironically enough, there is a secret broom cupboard in Hogwarts: the Weasley twins told Harry that when they were running away from ...
In Harry Potter's second year, he and Ron Weasley went into the Slytherin common room disguised as Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle with the aid of Polyjuice Potion to attempt to discover the identity of the Heir of Slytherin. The entry password was "Pure-blood" when Draco Malfoy let them...
Map created by Pottermore.comThe map above shows the locations of the 7 Wizarding schools that have been revealed so far, that exist in the Harry Potter
收录于文集 Harry Potter · 81篇She was ignoring the Slytherins, who had now set up a chant of Gryffindor are losers, Gryffindor are losers,' but there was a certain rigidity about her seat on the broom nevertheless. This time they had been flying for barely three minutes when ...
Harry tells him that he was named after two Hogwarts headmasters, one of whom was a Slytherin and probably the bravest man he ever knew. When Albus is still scared, Harry tells him that the Hat will also take into account his personal preference, as it had when Harry himself was sorted...