‘Harry Potter’ (TV Series)A currently untitled TV series based on J.K. Rowling's “Harry Potter” books is set to debut on HBO in 2026. Per HBO, "The series will feature a new cast to lead a new generation of fandom, full of the fantastic detail and much-loved characters ‘Harry...
HBO's Harry Potter Series Might Be Premiering Sooner Than You Think Harry Potter At the Emmys HBO Chief Casey Bloys gave an exciting update on when fans can expect to return to Hogwart's. 3 ByValerie Parker Sep 18, 2024 Wizarding World: Why We Need a TV Series on the First Wizarding ...
Oct 30, 2024 03:10 PM Harry Potter Legendary HARRY POTTER And DOWNTON ABBEY Star Dame Maggie Smith Passes Away Aged 89 MarkCassidy Sep 27, 2024 11:09 AM Harry Potter HARRY POTTER: HBO's Reboot Finally Conjures Up A Creative Team As J.K. Rowling Gives Seal Of Approval ...
HBO’s television reboot of the beloved children’s series is officially in the works. After much speculation, a Harry Potter TV show was confirmed by Warner Bros. Discovery in spring 2023. Initially set to be a Max Original, it’s now moved over to HBO proper. The initial announcement ...
‘Harry Potter’ TV Series Lands Showrunner and Director HBO is adapting the classic novels into a major new television show. Matt SingerMatt Singer4 months ago The Movies You Should NEVER Watch If You’re Afraid of Spiders The Movies You Should NEVER Watch If You’re Afraid of Spiders Disco...
Stay up to date with all of our most recent articles featuring topics from Harry Potter franchise.
As of June 2024, the Harry Potter project is among several upcoming Max shows to get rebranded as HBO originals, guaranteeing that the series will air on the linear premium cable network in addition to streaming on Max.) “We are delighted to give audiences the opportunity to discover ...
When Will the New ‘Harry Potter’ TV Show Be Released? The show is set to hit HBO Max in 2026, the Warner Bros. Discovery CEODavid Zaslavannounced on February 23, 2024, perVariety. The highly anticipated series is expected to span seven seasons, following each book from J....
Harry Potter is a multimedia franchise about an orphaned boy who enrolls at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family, and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world. Adapted from the novels, Harry Potter is an
11/8/2024 by Drew Taylor The Wrap ‘Putin’ director on guerrilla filming in Russia and his AI ambitions Lionsgate CEO on ‘Borderlands’ Box Office Disaster: ‘Nearly Everything That Could Go Wrong, Did Go Wrong’ 11/8/2024 by Brian Welk ...