Not only was Harry Potter a lionheart, but he was also unprecedentedly wise and his sage quotes and fair dealings with people proved it.Generations of people have grown up on Harry Potter, and the Fantastic Beasts movies, including the recently released Secrets of Dumbledore, keeps the magic al...
Harry Potter’s inspirational quotes are quite different from other quotes.They feature different facets of life, including; purpose, identity, love, generosity, and the faint boundary between life and death. J. K Rowlings, the author of Harry Potter, Sorcerer’s Stone, Deathly Hallow, etc., ...
The seven books about Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling are so famous that they don't need an introduction. While (re)reading them I collected some quotes about spiders and insects, and some other phrases that I liked best. Most of the books are heavily infested with spiders, and the best ...
A collection of all the memorable, funny, wise, and sarcastic quotes by your favorite Harry Potter characters.
harry potter经典语录1.重要的不是一个人生下来是什么样的,而是他会长成什么样。 2.他恨他,因为他是他的孩子 他爱他,因为他是她的孩子 3.我不担心,哈利,邓布利多说,尽管海水寒冷刺骨,他的声音却多了一点气力,我和你在一起呢。 4.决定我们成为什么样的人,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。沉湎于虚幻的梦想...
Whether you're a fan or not, you are bound to love these carefully-picked Harry Potter quotes about friendship, love, and life.
Scouring the internet for Harry Potter quotes? Check out this collection and be ready to gain some life-changing lessons on friendship, goodness, and more!
HarryPotterandtheChamberofSecrets 过人的聪明才智是人最大的财富。Witbeyondmeasureisaman’sgreatesttreasure.—RavenclawMotto 人们容易原谅别人的错误,却很难原谅别人的正确。Peoplefinditfareasiertoforgiveothersforbeingwrongthanbeingright.—AlbusDumbledore 漠不关心,还有视而不见,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害...