🏰 Harry Potter Sorting Hat Quiz 📜 The Ultimate Harry Potter Trivia Test 🧙🧙 Which Harry Potter Character Are You? 🦄️ Spirit Animal Quiz 👹 Which Fantastic Beasts Character Are You? 👹 Which Fantastic Beast Are You? 👹 Which Fantastic Beast Would You Keep as a Pet?
The world of Harry Potter has loads of different characters, each with their own unique personalities. There's brave Harry, clever Hermione and loyal Ron. But which character are you most like? Find out by taking this personality quiz! Simply answer these 22 questions and we'll tell you ...
Check out our quiz:Which Harry Potter Character Are You? Hogwarts House Questions and Answers 1. You're trapped in a burning building and only have 10 seconds to get out. What would you do? A. Save myself, of course! B. Run and grab my friend who is still in the building. ...
Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024 Are you more into the Dark Lord than the chosen one? Then take this spooky quiz and we'll tell you exactly which one of You-Know-Who's Death Eaters you are! It's time to find out once and for all!
/ Quizzes / Harry Potter Quiz Harry Potter QuizTest your knowledge of books 1 & 2 by Elaine Rho Visit our Harry Potter Page for more quizzes! Question 1 (out of 10): In what house did the Sorting Hat almost put Harry? Slytherin Hufflepuff Ravenclaw ...
What Kind Of Harry Potter Quizzes Do We Offer? Sorting Quizzes Answer a variety of questions about yourself and we will let you know the house that you would belong in. Which Hogwarts House would you be sorted into?Would you be in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin?
Who is the first character to mention Quidditch to Harry Potter?QUESTION 2/10 Which team won the 1994 Quidditch World Cup? QUESTION 3/10 If Ravenclaw are winning 180 –20 against Hufflepuff, but Hufflepuff’s Seeker catches the Golden Snitch, who wins the game? QUESTION...
Are you a Harry Potter fan? Would you like to know if you belong in Hufflepuff, slytherin,ravenclaw or griffindor? Well, if you do, then this is the test for you!1) The headmaster calls your name ton see what the Sorting Hat would put you in.You: You start bragging about where ...
Kids starting Harry Potter Portrait Maker Discover your Patronus Universal Epic Universe Wand experience LOG IN Sign Up Sign up to Find your Hogwarts House Reveal your Patronus Discover your Wand Make your Portrait Quizzes LEVEL The Herbology Quiz ...
This Pottermore Wand Quiz shows which famous character’s magical stick would select you in the Harry Potter universe by answering 20 fun questions. Start Quiz Pottermore Wand Quiz Explained for No-Majs J.K Rowling herself first created the original test. It was published on Pottermore.com—and...