Bloomsbury announce Levi Pinfold as the new illustrator of the Harry Potter Illustrated Editions series A speedy cuppa The quickfire quiz: Tea leaves edition Show your house pride Get up to 30% off all house lines at the Harry Potter Shop ...
Harry Potter Shop Chicago to open in April PUZZLING BEASTS The Thestral crossword Hogwarts: A Quiztory How well do you know Hogwarts castle? Poll Of the creatures Luna believes in, what's your favourite? Gryffindor % Ravenclaw % Hufflepuff ...
Discover more from the wizarding world of Harry Potter within Bloomsbury's dedicated Harry Potter Discover pages. Try your hand at games, quizzes, downloadable activity sheets and more!
In the Harry Potter books, which character speaks Voldemort’s name for the first time?QUESTION 2/10 What happened to Professor Quirrell when Voldemort left him?QUESTION 3/10 Which day did Voldemort die?QUESTION 4/10 Where did Voldemort work after leaving Hogwarts as a student?QUESTION...
Discover your Harry Potter name with our interactive name generator tool, find out who your Harry Potter best friend is, test your knowledge from the books (how much of a super-fan are you?) and explore our virtual Diagon Alley map, illustrated by the fa
Harry Potter Quiz: What's My Animagus? What is your animagus? Try our animagus quiz and discover which animal you can change into. Play Quiz Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024 It's a question as old as the first Harry Potter book: what is my animagus?
Let's find out if you're a total quizzard or a Dursley with this ultimate Harry Potter quiz! The world hasn't been the same since 1997. It’s over a couple of decades older, for a start. That's the year J.K. Rowling published Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, and ...
Harry Potter Quizzes, Questions & Answers Welcome to the enchanting world of Harry Potter Quizzes! Immerse yourself in the magical realm of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where spells, potions, and thrilling adventures await. Step into the shoes of Harry, Hermione, Ron, and ...
Check out our quiz:Which Harry Potter Character Are You? Hogwarts House Questions and Answers 1. You're trapped in a burning building and only have 10 seconds to get out. What would you do? A. Save myself, of course! B. Run and grab my friend who is still in the building. ...
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