Find out which wand would choose you if you were a witch or wizard in the Harry Potter books by taking the official wand ceremony quiz. Previously on Pottermore.
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And where’s the Patronus test? So glad you asked.The Sorting Ceremony is right here, so you can find out if you’re aGryffindor,Ravenclaw,HufflepufforSlytherin. You can also let a wand choose you, too. You can even discover yourIlvermornyhouse, be thatWampus,Pukwudgie,Horned Serpentor...
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"The wand chooses the wizard... it's not always clear why." — Ollivander discussing wandlore with Harry Potter[src]Wandlore was a specific class of magic that referred to the history and magical properties of wands. Mr Ollivander claimed that it was a "complex and mysterious branch of ...
"The wand chooses the wizard... it's not always clear why." — Ollivander discussing wandlore with Harry Potter[src]Wandlore was a specific class of magic that referred to the history and magical properties of wands. Mr Ollivander claimed that it was a "complex and mysterious branch of ...
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