由Floo Network最新制作的 我的世界 x 哈利波特 Mod。已经不是传统意义上的Mod了,其中有完整的故事模式,独立的魔法系统,战斗、采集、合成系统。 【这个是数据包不是mod,但考虑到看这个视频的人大多数都是HP粉而不是MC粉,所以“mod”比“数据包”更能表达“非原本而是在原版基础上导入数据包的游戏模式”这个概念...
銀糖卷煙创建的收藏夹我的世界内容:Minecraft x Harry Potter - Floo Network Episode 4 | 哈利波特剧情Mod 第四节:我终于会魔法啦!(挥舞魔杖,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Harry Potter (Minecraft Roleplay) (TV Series 2018) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
我的世界1.12.2哈利波特的魔法世界 Harry Potter in Minecraft地图存档由作者“The Floo Network”所制作,耗时4年,不仅还原了《哈利波特》的经典霍格沃茨魔法学校和各类场景,甚至还在其中打造出了一个RPG游戏玩法。 地图中包含了《哈利波特》电影及小说中出现的各类标志性地点,霍格沃茨、火车站、对角巷还有霍格莫德村。
What is the English language plot outline for Harry Potter (Minecraft Roleplay) (2018)? Answer See more gaps Learn more about contributing More from this title Videos Cast & crew Photos Trivia List IMDb Staff Picks: Our Favorites of 2024 ...
Interestingly, the Planet Dragonoid prefers the Harry Potter film as the origin of inspiration for a Minecraft Hogwart build rather than books, which goes on to make it much easier to compare the visual between a project and its inspiration. Also of note is a fact that the bu...
比如Mojang,谁也不能相信Minecraft Earth会惨到那种程度,比如Niantic,市场都很难理解连换皮的Harry Potter都搞砸了 Is your company making decisions that have the potential to be transformative? Is your company working on projects, that have the potential to be transformative?
一边是Pokemon Go年10亿美元级别的变现能力,一边是各种顶级IP,比如Catan,Harry Potter, Transformers…不断套皮明显感觉Niantic在Ingress技术模型的产品落地的Reusability(可复用性)上显得很焦虑了当然,不止Harry Potter不太行,The Walking Dead,The Jurassic,Minecraft…也一般 ...
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