Could it be Draco Malfoy, a more poisonous rival than ever? Could it possibly be Hagrid, whose mysterious past reveals dark secrets? Or could it be the one everyone at Hogwarts most suspects ... Harry Potter himself!" PlotChapter 1: The Worst BirthdayUncle Vernon: "And you, boy?" Harry...
The impact of the Harry Potter series is one of high importance. Before Harry Potter, children’s literature sales were dropping, due to the fact that children were not reading very much. With the publications of the Harry Potter books, children became very interested and excited to read! Plu...
A Wizard of Earthsea is super similar to the Harry Potter series, so if you’re a fan be sure to check this series out. The Magicians by Lev Grossman Quentin is a senior in high school who secretly gets enrolled in a school of magic in New York. There, he learns the power of magic...
that his masters are careful not to pass him even a sock. Harry also learns that the Chamber of Secrets was open before. Dobby’s speech about what Harry Potter means to the “Lowly, the enslaved, the dregs of the magical world” has been interpreted as Christian allegory, ...
“I had a horrible day, just a terrible day”: Rupert Grint’s On Screen Brother and Life Long Fan of Harry Potter Had an Awful Start to His Wizard Journey One of the most recognized and successful works of fiction, Jk Rowling’s Harry Potter novels, spilled over their success to the ...
Harry Potter’s Birthday is not only a huge day of celebration in the wizarding world but also in the muggle world, where Potterheads zealously participate in events and parties. Fanfiction is published on different websites, watch parties of the eight “Harry Potter” movies are hosted, sweet...
Harry Potter is a child other children can identify with: he is inconspicuous and unloved, he lives with a boring, petit bourgeois family, but in the "magic" world he is a celebrity (although he does not know about that). The reader and Harry himself are told only in small steps about...
Harry Potter's Birthday Traditions Harry Potter’s Birthday is not only a huge day of celebration in the wizarding world but also in the muggle world, where Potterheads zealously participate in events and parties. Fanfiction is published on different websites, watch parties of the eight “Harry...
Harry Potter`s world, scientists think of magic in precisely the same way they do in our world where magic is known as a false and incompetent discipline. In Rowling`s “secondary world” magic is created in order to do simply works and works as reliably in the hands of a trained ...
importantly, John Hurt happens to already be a familiar face in Harry Potter history, having played Ollivander and selling Potter his wand in the very first film. We would assume Grindelwald is a fan, but considering he chose the name decades earlier, there's some truly dark magic at work...