One of the most well-read fantasy series in the YA section, Shadow and Bone is a must-read for all Potterheads. Bardugo immerses her readers into a complex and gripping magical world run by magical hierarchies, royalty, and power. The story follows Alina Starkov, challenged with the task...
It's a name that no Harry Potter fan could ever forget, which means all ears will perk when Queenie recognizes the photo in Newt's suitcase as belonging to "Leta Lestrange." It's a brand new character introduced by J.K. Rowling for the movie, and her ties to the most well-known Le...
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 1. Harry and Draco were totally a thing. While playing "Fact or Fanfiction" with AOL, Tom Felton revealed that Harry might have had a thing for Draco. "I think it was clearly a fact," he told AOL. "Harry was constantly crushing on Draco. He ...