哈利波特重要单词(HarryPotterimportantwords)哈利波特重要单词(Harry Potter important words) Want to read the English version of Harry Potter? These necessary... 1. names Harry, Potter, Harry, Potter Ron Weasley Ron Weasley Hermione, Grainger, Hermione, Granger Albus Don, Albus, Dumbledore Guidero ...
Common Harry Potter names include the four Houses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. ©Kristina Chizhmar/Shutterstock.com If you’re considering aHarry Pottername for your female pup, explore the list below for inspiration. There are p...
Hufflepuff 赫夫帕夫 学院精神是:正直、忠贞、诚实、不帕艰辛。 Ravenclaw 雷文克劳 学院精神是:心思敏捷、机智、博学。 Slytherin 史莱哲林 哈利的死对头──马份所在的学院。学院精神是:为达目的、不择手段。 史莱哲林学院 Blaise Zabini 剎比·布雷司 Graham Pritchard 葛拉罕·普利查 史莱哲林学院的学生。 Gregory ...
Not for reproduction, resale or manufacture. Please do not make items to sell with any of these patterns. Repost these photos and patterns with permission only, please. Click on names to open pattern in a new tab or window. Hogwarts More Patterns by other designers onHarry Potter: Hogwartson...
国际区LOGO: Harry Potter: Magic Awakened(已关服) 日本区LOGO:ハリー•ポッター:魔法の覚醒 韩国区LOGO:해리포터 깨어나 마법 Summonables 召唤卡(驻场卡) —COMMON 普通— Spiders 小蜘蛛群🕷️ /3 Centaur 马人🐎人马 /3 ...
哈利波特Harry Potter 赫敏格兰杰Hermione Granger 霍琦夫人Madam Hooch 赫尔加赫奇帕奇Helga Hufflepuff 海德薇Hedwig 汉娜艾博Hannah Abbott 霍格沃茨Hogwarts 霍格莫德Hogsmeade 蜜蜂公爵Honeydukes 草药课Herbology Class 吼叫信Howler I 伊戈尔卡卡洛夫Igor Karkaroff隐形衣Invisibility Cloak J 詹姆波特James Potter 贾斯廷芬列里Just...
In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Cedric Diggory became a Death Eater in an alternative timeline. Gabriel Truman states that Hufflepuffs are often good at Herbology, likely stemming from their house element of earth. Interestingly, Neville Longbottom, known to excel at Herbology, was placed...
赫尔加赫奇帕奇Helga Hufflepuff 罗伊纳拉文克劳Rowena Ravenclaw 萨拉查斯莱特林Salazar Slytherin 月亮脸Moony 尖头叉子Prongs 大脚板Padfoot 虫尾巴Wormtail 巴克比克Buckbeak 牙牙Fang 诺伯Norbert 路威Fluffy 阿拉戈克Aragog 克鲁克山Crookshanks 朱薇琼Pigwidgeon 斑斑Scabbers 海德薇Hedwig 汉娜艾博Hannah Abbott 米里森伯斯德Millic...
As a security device to repel non-Hufflepuffs, tapping on the wrong barrel, or tapping the incorrect number of times, results in one of the other lids bursting off and drenching the interloper in vinegar. 赫奇帕奇公共休息室和霍格沃茨厨房的入口位于同一条走廊上。经过一幅作为厨房入口的大型静物...
哈利波特与凤凰社 赫奇帕奇学院精装版 英文原版小说书籍 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Hufflepuff Edition JK罗琳 配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 ...