Welcome to Hogwarts Live! We're the best Harry Potter RPG on the net and if you don't believe us justcreate a characterto find out for yourself. Hogwarts Live is a free online Harry Potter multiplayer game, which is accessible to the visually impaired (i.e. blind-accessible). Once you...
Welcome to Hogwarts Live! We're the best Harry Potter RPG on the net and if you don't believe us justcreate a characterto find out for yourself. Hogwarts Live is a free online Harry Potter multiplayer game, which is accessible to the visually impaired (i.e. blind-accessible). Once you...
Welcome to Hogwarts Live! We're the best Harry Potter RPG on the net and if you don't believe us justcreate a characterto find out for yourself. Hogwarts Live is a free online Harry Potter multiplayer game, which is accessible to the visually impaired (i.e. blind-accessible). Once you...
Welcome to Hogwarts Live! We're the best Harry Potter RPG on the net and if you don't believe us justcreate a characterto find out for yourself. Hogwarts Live is a free online Harry Potter multiplayer game, which is accessible to the visually impaired (i.e. blind-accessible). Once you...
We're the best Harry Potter RPG on the net and if you don't believe us just create a character to find out for yourself. Hogwarts Live is a free online Harry Potter multiplayer game, which is accessible to the visually impaired (i.e. blind-accessible). Once you start playing you ...
The game, which invites you to ‘Live the Unwritten’, is set in the 1800s, where players will live the life of a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – a lifetime goal for many a Harry Potter fan! ExpectHogwarts Legacyto be filled with all kinds of immers...
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, combines Hogwarts school life, exploration of the Forbidden Forest, Quidditch tournaments, magical showdowns and much more. An Immersive magical world, with European picture book style, creating a new magical experience. Imp
The official blog of the online Hogwarts Live Harry Potter RPG. Featuring recent game updates/changes, fantasy news, movie reviews, book reviews, and other product reviews/information.
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Game Days Gringott's Bank Owl Post Content Expiration Misc Info PvP Info PvP Enabled?1 Turns per Game Day:10 Days PvP Immunity lasts:5 XP to lose PvP Immunity:800 Online Staffers (0): None Online Players (9): Firstyeargirl Nimrien ...