浓毛咒 Hair-Thickening Charm 这个咒语可以使毛发变得又浓又密锁心术 Occlumency 一种保护心智不受外界侵入的魔法防御,虽然是非常冷僻的一门魔法,但是极为有用。测盗咒 Stealth Sensoring Spell 只要学会了这个咒语,就可以在住家或办公室布下天罗地网,一旦有人闯入,你会第一时间得到通知。不动咒 ...
锁心术 Occlumency 一种保护心智不受外界侵入的魔法防御,虽然是非常冷僻的一门魔法,但是极为有用。测盗咒 Stealth Sensoring Spell 只要学会了这个咒语,就可以在住家或办公室布下天罗地网,一旦有人闯入,你会第一时间得到通知。不动咒 Imperturbable Charm 这可是一个很好用的咒语,如果你不想被人...
哈利波特里出现的所有咒语(All the Harry Potter spell)Spells, spells, uses The curse Accio brings things Aparecium Aparecium makes invisible ink appear The illusion shifted Apparate, allowing itself to move somewhere else in a flash The Alobomora opens something from the cave Bat magic curse ...
This separation from his spellbooks had been a real problem for Harry, because his teachers at Hogwarts had given him a lot of holiday work. One of the essays, a particularly nasty one about Shrinking Potions, was for Harry's least favourite teacher, Professor Snape, who would be delighted...
There are hundreds of spells, charms, jinxes and curses in theHarry Potteruniverse. A Aberto: unlocks doors. Accio: summons objects directly to the spell-caster. Aguamenti: creates a stream of water from the spell-caster’s wand. Alarte Ascendare: launches objects into the air. ...
测盗咒 Stealth Sensoring Spell 只要学会了这个咒语,就可以在住家或办公室布下天罗地网,一旦有人闯入,你会第一时间得到通知。 不动咒 Imperturbable Charm 这可是一个很好用的咒语,如果你不想被人窃听或是侵入,只要使用不动咒,就可以轻易避免针孔摄影机的危害。 不赦咒 Unforgivable Curses 蛮横咒、酷刑咒、索命...
生火咒 Fire-Making Spell 火焰熊熊 | Incendio 固定咒 Fixing Charm 咒语未知 烈火咒 Flagrante Curse 咒语未知 名称未知 标记显现 | Flagrate 凝火咒 Flame-Freezing Charm 咒语未知 闪色咒 Flashing paint charm 咒语未知 漂浮咒 Floating Charm 咒语未知 飞行咒 Flying Charm 咒语未知 食物咒 Food...
Flame-Freezing Charm 冻火咒 从前巫师被处以火刑时,会使用『冻火咒』,火焰只会对巫师产生轻微的酥麻感,并不会伤害他们。 Four-Point Spell 方向咒 使魔杖像指南针一样永远指向北方。 Furnunculus 『熔熔沸』 被咒语击中,皮肤上会马上出现一个个又大又难看的疔疮。 Horn Tongue 尖角舌 Impediment Curse 障碍...
阿里巴巴哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒英文原版小说英语电影原著第三部3Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban JK罗琳进口书籍搭dune沙丘,儿童读物,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒英文原版小说英语电影原著第三部3Harry Potter an
Fire is a term used to describe the large amount of heat, light, and energy created by the rapid oxidation of a material.[1] In the wizarding world, numerous types of magical fire existed. Natural flame could be produced using the Fire-Making Spell.[2][3