Welcome to the community! Harry Potter Wiki is a collaborative knowledge base about the widely-popular series by J. K. Rowling, including the books, movies, characters, and much more. Join the active community and share your enthusiasm for Harry Potter. ...
The HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards is a community-based award series hosted by the HP Fanfic Fan Poll community on LiveJournal. It began in 2010 at the Comic-Con convention as a convention-based award, but in the winter of 2011, it was opened to voters on the
Harry Potter and his school trunk ISO stories where harry has a cool school trunk, ex: multi-function\compartment, portable living space...Also, a more specific ask: the one where Harry harry has a trunk from Lily or ha all her things and puts them in a bigger portable room/home trun...
Each Harry Potter book was lucky enough to become a film. The films star Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley and Emma Watson as Hermione Granger. The entire series spans eight films, each released between 2001 and 2011; the seve
Toda la información sobre Harry Potter: los personajes, los libros, las películas... Todo lo relativo a la saga del mago más famoso de Hogwarts.
I would like to share a bit about the events that precipitated the writing of Harry Potter and the Crucible of the Soul. In 1998, when there was no Harry Potter phenomenon, I heard of the J.K. Rowling book from my children. Their friends had read an "amazing" book and encouraged them...
Why You Should Care:This is light, fuffy fair that has no broader purpose than to have a bit of fun with Tonks and her Hufflepuff contemporaries, and in that it does its job splendidly. In the Harry Potter books, we spend so much time with Gryffindors looking out at the other houses ...
Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality HPMOR.com is an authorized, ad-free mirror ofEliezer Yudkowsky‘s epic Harry Potter fanfic,Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality(originally under the pen nameLess Wrong). The story is complete now, so therss feedfor the story mirror won’t ...
Potterless is a Harry Potter podcast about a grown man reading the series for the first time. He analyzes the books and pokes fun at plot holes with HP experts.