【完本翻译】未授权翻..作者 Cassis Luna 的原文在FanFiction上已完结,2w多字。强烈推荐理由是Harry并没有以咒语的借口就轻率地去冒犯Draco,而是一直支持鼓励着他面对战后巫师界对前食死徒的歧视。而
Some bad guys have more fun than others. While Voldemort's busy securing himself eternal life and Umbridge spends her time buying more plates with kittens on, Lucius Malfoy gets to slink around being arch and snide and generally amusing. He gets the best house, the best outfits and of cour...
Harry Styles Stopped His Show So A Pregnant Woman Could Go Pee, And Now Everybody's Talking About It "How can one person be so frickin awesome?" Mychal Thompson 20 Times Celebs Were Hit With Something Or Attacked While Onstage This has to stop. Ryan Schocket Hear Me Out, I Thin...
Harry Styles Stopped His Show So A Pregnant Woman Could Go Pee, And Now Everybody's Talking About It "How can one person be so frickin awesome?" Mychal Thompson 20 Times Celebs Were Hit With Something Or Attacked While Onstage This has to stop. Ryan Schocket Hear Me Out, I Thin...
Harry Styles Stopped His Show So A Pregnant Woman Could Go Pee, And Now Everybody's Talking About It "How can one person be so frickin awesome?" Mychal Thompson 20 Times Celebs Were Hit With Something Or Attacked While Onstage This has to stop. Ryan Schocket Hear Me Out, I Thin...