Why it would be more surprising if James and Sirus had been called to account. Read on LJ Tags:characters:black family:sirius,characters:dumbledore family:albus,characters:potter family:james,characters:remus lupin,characters:severus snape,wizarding world:education ...
Im looking for a time travel fic that involves harry going back to his younger body and gringotts cubes that hold all the memories from the future. It was a hp/fw/gw pairing. His parents were james and severus. (Comment on this) ...
Severus Snape is one of the most popular characters in the Harry Potter universe. He is both adored and despised throughout Harry’s arc, especially since his loyalties were constantly questioned. Snape always scowled around Harry and Ron. He constantly supervised Harry and looked out for the yo...
邓布利多才知道 格林德沃也爱过他 还好 两人最终在国王十字车站相遇 尽释前嫌 “我?我看到我拿着一双厚...