Harry’s story continues in the playHarry Potter and the Cursed Child, which premiered in 2016. In the production, which was based on a story cowritten by Rowling, Harry is married to Ginny Weasley, and they are the parents of James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna. Although working...
I am looking for two fan fiction stories and hope that you can help me here.1) The first story is a time travel story. There is a war between wizards and muggles. The Muggles are winning because of their numbers, bombs and guns. Harry and Ginny are on the run and one of the last...
Harry Potter Star Hopes Harry and Ginny’s Romance Is Better Developed in Upcoming HBO Series TV News The relationship between Ginny and Harry in the movies is very different in the books, with criticisms aimed at its rushed nature. ByArchie Fenn ...
Nearly three years ago, Elina T. (a former contributer to this blog) and I were collaborating on a fanfiction that centered around Neville’s last year at Hogwarts. Our initial brainstorm for this story left us with a skeletal outline and great excitement at the prospect of writing. However...
weasley family arthur bill charlie fred & george ginny molly percy ron events the death the prank fandom britpicking fanfiction fanon general house gryffindor house colours house system hufflepuff ravenclaw slytherin other topics canon class criticism cultural impact gender genres heroes literary theory mo...
s Stone is in danger. The three classmates use the cloak of invisibility on a secret mission to get the Stone themselves to keep it from Voldemort. After getting past the dog and defeating various protective spells, Harry reaches the room in which the Stone is hidden and is surprised to ...
Daniel Radcliffe Admits He Has Read Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy Fanfiction in Lie Detector Test The Hogwarts alum also confessed during his polygraph test that he has Googled himself in the past. Click to Read More September 28, 2023 Find Out ‘Harry Potter’ Actors Who’ve Died in Re...
Ginny Weasley, a central character in the Harry Potter novels, is felt to be underwhelming in the movie adaptation as her trademark strength and sassiness are missing. ActuaryLoading says, “Ginny is shy and quiet in the movies (after GoF) but in the books she is confident and outspoken. ...
There are so many beautiful interactions, the characterisations are awesome, Ron is fantastic, but there's also Luna and Ginny and Pansy and Hermione and Gregg, the exotic pets I mentioned, Harry and Draco's growing feelings for each other, Grimmauld Place slowly accepting Harry, it's an ...
Why You Should Care:After the war, Ginny and Harry’s reunion can’t have been easy – emotions flying everywhere like house-elves on Butterbeer, and this fic really captures that. It’s gently humourous, but there’s a lot of truth in here about what it must have been like for Ginn...