1.(Biography)Ford Maddox(ˈmædəks) original nameFord Madox Hueffer. 1873–1939, English novelist, editor, and critic; works includeThe Good Soldier(1915) and the war tetralogyParade's End(1924–28). 2.(Biography)GeraldR(udolph). 1913–2006, US politician; 38th president of the US...
Born July 13, 1942, in Chicago, IL; son of Christopher (an actor, later became an advertising executive) and Dorothy (a homemaker) Ford; married Mary Marquardt, 1964 (divorced, 1979); married Melissa Mathison (a screenwriter) March, 1983 (separated August, 2001); children: (first marriage...
All the producers did was throw together a pile of clips from over the years about Ford. There is no original research or interviews conducted. You can learn just as much by reading his Wikipedia entry.However, most jarring of all is the NONSTOP MUSIC throughout this movie. WTF??? It'...
Wikipedia Related to Harrison:Harrison Ford Har·ri·son1 (hăr′ĭ-sən),Benjamin1726-1791. American Revolutionary leader who served as a member of the Continental Congress (1774-1777) and was also governor of Virginia (1782-1784). ...
Ford achieved real success as the opportunistic Han Solo in Lucas’sStar Wars(1977). The space-fantasy film became one of the highest-grossing motion pictures of all time. Ford’s fame was cemented with the Star Wars sequelsThe Empire Strikes Back(1980) andReturn of the Jedi(1983) and wit...