More people have cast their ballots in-person than by mail, with more than 42.6 million votes submitted at polling places in-person and over 35.3 million mail ballots returned. Upwards of 67.4 million mail ballots have been requested, according to the University of Florida's figures. Slightly m...
More people have cast their ballots in-person than by mail, with more than 42.6 million votes submitted at polling places in-person and over 35.3 million mail ballots returned. Upwards of 67.4 million mail ballots have been requested, according to the University of Florida's figures. Slightly m...
(Schmidt places Biden strategists Anita Dunn and Steve Ricchetti, as well as First Lady Jill Biden and the Morning Joe co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski at the top of that list.)Multiple who spoke with Rolling Stone agreed that while Harris’ biggest handicap was the position Biden...
The Navajo Nation has filed a lawsuit against Apache County, Arizona, over a host of problem at polling places, including “machines malfunctioning, lack of printed ballots, lack of provisional ballots, long lines, failure to accept adequate ID, or polls not ...
The only swing states where that is not true are Nevada and Georgia, where it is Harris who polls better in a two-way race, according to polling averages from RealClearPolling. Three states — Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin — also rejected Kennedy's request to withdraw, leading to...
These are usually meeting places, the place that you regularly go for brunch with your friends or the place where you always get your morning cup of coffee. Or the local dry cleaner.” The difference between a community that generates its own businesses to serve its own needs...
Trump has tried to pin on Democrats inflation that popped globally as the COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns eased and has made the still-high cost of groceries, particularly bacon, a rally speech staple. From 2019 to 2023, the food Consumer Price Index rose...
The president began by reprising his decision to run against Trump in 2020 — to ensure, he said, that “hate has no safe harbor,” then went on to cast a presidency that opened amid the horror of the Covid-19 pandemic as a stirring success that saved democracy and rebuilt “the backbo...
but said he disagreed for “substantially” the same reasonsthree federal appeals court judges offeredas they explained why they thought the state violated Kennedy’s First Amendment rights by refusing to remove him or take more modest steps, like posting signs at polling places saying he’d dr...
After striking out in his legal fight to get on the ballot in the swing state, Westasked the Supreme Court on Wednesdayto require polling places to post signs telling voters that he is, wait for it, still a candidate — and they can write him...