Harris never let ideology or partisanship cloud her judgment. Her apolitical decision-making focused on the facts. I was deeply impressed with her ability to assimilate and assess data, weigh facts and values, and make swift, fair and effective decisions. I watched her apply this pragmatic and ...
On Saturday, Mr. Trump called the ruling by Judge Engelmayer a “disgrace” and said that “no judge should, frankly, be allowed to make that kind of a decision.” Writing for The Atlantic,Jonathan Chait (yeah, I know, he’s wrong a lot) writesthat Trump’s determination to simply g...
That same day Mr. Bidenposted a letterto social media announcing his shocking decision to end his campaign. "I'll give you a little too much information," Harris said. "My family was staying with us, including my baby nieces, and we had just had pancakes." ...
Harris chose Sotomayor for the task, according to a person familiar with the decision. She’ll also use two Bibles for the swearing-in, one of which belonged to Thurgood Marshall, the first Black Supreme Court justice. ABC News first reported the latest details of Harris’ inauguration...
Harrislast weekproposed a 28% taxon long-term capital gains, or profits from the sale of assets owned for more than one year, for those making more than $1 million annually. The plan would raise the top rate from 20%. Read the full storyhere. ...
Harris also faulted Republicans pushing laws making it more difficult to vote and backing “sham audits” into the 2020 presidential election results. Republicans in Wisconsin have passed numerous bills that would have made it more difficult to vote absentee, but Evers vetoed all of them....
While the decision is widely construed as granting broad protection for a president, the court said presidents are "not above the law" and enjoy no "absolute" immunity, leaving room for a narrow set of cases where a current or former president could face criminal prosecutio...
“She gently corrected my sloppiness, she was complimenting me every step of the way, making sure that my daughter heard how good of a cook I am.” Kaling made parallels between Harris and herself, who both were raised by Indian American mothers who immigrated to the United States....
Byline: Garry Smits Florida coach Will Muschamp is going with the freshman playmaker over...Smits, Garry
One source of intrigue concerns who in Harris world will actually make this decision.BRIAN FALLON, the campaign’s senior adviser for communications, is generally considered the key person. But the interview has to be coordinated with Harris’s official office, where the communications director is...