Not one of them ever approached the house of her parents. They were dutiful and loving children, and wrote frequently; but of course they had to consider their new position, and their husbands, and their husbands’ families, and the world, and what it would say, if to it the dreaded ...
Example: It’s a nuisance having all those people clomping through the house. 4. Nub Definition: the crux or central point of a matter Synonyms: crux, core, heart Example: The nub of the problem lies elsewhere. 5. Nonplus Definition: a state of being very surprised and confused Synonyms...
–I was about halfway to the house when a cool breeze drifted down from the rugged Tetons. Rugose: of leaves; ridged or wrinkled; rough; unsmooth. –Note the rugose look to the upper eyelids. Ruined: destroyed physically or morally; destroyed; lost. –We would never let things get so ...
–I bid her take herself, and her beggarly pride out of my house directly. Beginning:the time when something starts; the first part of an event, a story; rise; start. –She’s been working there since the beginning of last summer. Begrimed:blackened with ingrained dirt; muddy; blacken....