Aims. Our goal is to determine the origin of the Doppler periodic variations observed in the thick disk K giant star TYC 4282-605-1 by HARPS-N at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) and verify if they can be due to the presence of a substellar companion. Methods. Several methods have...
作者: IS Mclean,F Kärtner,A Szentgyorgyi,AG Glenday,H Takami,DF Phillips,D Sasselov,IS Mclean,A Zibrov,N Langellier 展开 摘要: We report the design, installation and testing of a broadband green astro-comb on the HARPS-N spectrograph at the TNG telescope. The astro-comb consists of...
The HARPS-N Rocky Planet Search - I. HD?219134?b: A transiting rocky planet in a multi-planet system at 6.5 pc from the Sun 机译:HARPS-N岩石行星搜索-I.HD?219134?b:多行星系统中的过渡行星,离太阳6.5 pc 获取原文 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面...
Item Tubes n harps for reformer furnaces Process Centrifugal/spun casting method for roll body, precision casting of assembly shaft head. Material 316L,316,HK,HT,HU,HP,HH,ZG40Cr25Ni20Si2,ZG14Ni32Cr20Nb,ZG45Ni48Cr28W5Si2. Application The heat treatment furnace roll are usually us...
harps 23-06-12 07:16 发布于 英国 来自 iPhone 晚上用江花牌腐乳蒸肉粉做了粉蒸肉,还有白菜粉条。这个蒸肉粉还是我买蒸肉碗店家送的,当时骄傲此碗全英最正宗,但现在已经不记得是哪里的正宗了,好像不是湖南就是湖北的。腐乳蒸肉粉打开好小一包,我还嘀咕够不够,结果蒸出来正正好好一碗,才知道我以前自制粉...
专辑: Harps of Glory 歌手: Houses 、 Musica Cristiana 时长: 1:26 此歌曲暂时没有歌词《Harps of Glory》专辑歌曲列表1:101. More Than Anything 3:552. My World Needs You 2:213. Well Done 0:584. Victory Belongs to Jesus 1:265. Close 4:106. Change Me 3:117. Father Jesus Spirit (...
一、郭晓智投资情况:郭晓智间接持股企业20家,包括投资天津市轨道工程管理咨询有限公司、投资占比达0.05%,川铁轨道交通(赣州)有限公司、投资占比达0.05%等;二、郭晓智的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,郭晓智目前有10个商业合作伙伴,包括田继禹、钟志平、孟凡兴等。 财产...
清水微寒 +关注我的主页 我的书架 我的听书 我的原创 我的积分 我的关注我的原创 重生之激扬岁月 清水微寒|都市言情|28日 如果上天给你一个重新选择的机会,你会回到哪里呢?陈小凡:2004年,我.. 第八章 谈价格飞卢小说网 VIP充值 撰写小说 小说帮助 联系我们 客户端 飞卢小说网( 版权所有 ...
Here, we present the analysis of high-resolution transmission spectroscopy of HD 209458b using a total of five transit observations with HARPS-N and CARMENES spectrographs. In contrast to previous studies where atmospheric Na I absorption is detected, we find that, for all of the nights, ...