【短片】Nobel Lecture: Arts, Truth and Politics 2005【Harold Pinter】 Walter_Lou 321 0 英国戏剧 巴黎北方剧院 彼得·布鲁克×莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet) MumuShaw 2382 2 俄罗斯戏剧 莫斯科球形剧院 阿·托尔斯泰《大独裁者》(《加林工程师的双曲线体》,The Garin Death Ray) MumuShaw 476 1 德国戏...
PINTER, Harold, 1930-2008In The Collection and The Lover Pinter depicts a world in which games give meaning to the characters' lives. The characters combine two natures in themselves, and the truth they speak is in a state of flux like Heraclitus' river, and ...
Negotiating the theme of Adultery in terms of Reality-Illusion Paradigm: A Study of Harold Pinter's The Collection and The Homecoming International Journal on Multicultural LiteratureMini V. S.
HAROLD BLOOM - SHAKESPEARE AND THE VALUE OF PERSONALITY 热度: Positive influence_ Harold Pinter and the In-Yer-Face generation 热度: Gunsmithing And Tool Making Bible By Harold Hoffman (Action Book Publishers) 热度: 96ARCHITECTURALWORLDSl设计事务所THEDESIGNTEAM ...
The way out is via the door. Why is it that no one will use this method?Confucius (qouted in...Samira SasaniParvin GhasemiPetra Christian University English Department《KSasani, S., & Ghasemi, P. (2014). Entrapment in Relationships in August Strindberg's The Father and Harold Pinter's ...