曼斯菲尔德庄园 1999 6.9 演员(饰 Sir Thomas Bertram) 使女的故事 1990 6.7 编剧 陌生人的慰藉 1990 6.6 编剧 巴拿马裁缝 2001 6.5 演员 女谍玉娇龙 1966 6.3 编剧 BBC2 Play of the Week 1977 演员/ 编剧 周三剧场 1964 演员 团圆 1989 编剧 海龟日记 1985 演员/ 编剧 行刺希特勒 1977 演员 <前页 ...
About the show Harold Pinter's 1971 play makes a welcome return to the West End stage in a new production directed by Ian Rickson. This compelling and intense drama is a challenge for all actors involved, and is made even harder by alternating the roles of Anna and Kate, who will be sh...
Since the medium is so bound to Pinter's meaning, when the medium changes the play's thematics are often significantly altered.; This study is organized into chapter headings according to the originally intended medium: narrative fiction, radio, television, and the stage. Each chapter first ...
Learn about The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter. Study the summary and analysis, understand the main ideas and themes, and examine the work as an...
Power and Gender Politics in 'the Homecoming' -Pinter PinterEssay There has been speculation over whether Pinter’s later plays are a departure from the more metaphorical explorations of power to being more openly political‚ or whether his plays have been political from the beginning. This progr...
【中商原版】哈罗德品特戏剧合集2 诺贝尔文学家得主作品 英文原版 Harold Pinter Plays2 Contemporary Classics Harold Pinter 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:5元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 货源地;发货地 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(52) 质量很好(45) 物流...
HAROLD PINTER,The Progressive, Mar. 2001 Watching first nights, though I've seen quite a few by now, is never any better. It's a nerve-racking experience. It's not a question of whether the play goes well or badly. It's not the audience reaction, it's my reaction. I'm rather ho...
In 1957 Bristol University staged Pinter's first play "The Room." He had told a friend who worked in Bristol University's drama department an idea he had for a play. The friend was so enamored of the idea that he commissioned the work, with the proviso that a script be ready within ...
Harold Pinter - The Caretaker - Character of Davies DAVIES A Pinter play frequently starts off with a good deal of humour but moves towards a sombre and disturbing conclusion. The character of Davies follows this pattern. Most of Act One is very funny indeed, entirely because of how Davies ...
Harold Pinter "I'm convinced that what happens in my plays could happen anywhere, at any time, in any place, although the events may seem unfamiliar at first glance. If you press me for a definition, I would say that what happens in my plays is realistic, but what I am doing is not...