This also means in the future, all Huawei phones and tablets will be on HarmonyOS, making it a must in future development for your game so that it will be working on all major mobile phone platforms and entering major Huawei phone markets in India, South East Asia, China, and parts of ...
业务介绍 如果您的游戏是联运游戏,请参见联运服务开发指南。 业务简介 ……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
游戏初始化 场景介绍 用户点击应用图标打开游戏,游戏启动时需要对游戏服务SDK进行初始化。初始化过程中,游戏服务会向用户弹出华为联运隐私协议窗口。 ……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网 问题分析 通过提工单联系华为技术支持,技术支持解释说6.10.0.300版本游戏SDK在manifest里面添加了android:allowBackup="false"属性。android:allowBackup这个属性表示是否允许执行备份,我们的项目里没有做设置,...
common_app_development |---AppScope |---common // 公共能力层,包括公共UI组件、数据管理、通信...
HarmonyOS 概念: 系统定义 技术架构 技术特性 系统安全 如何快速入门:https:...
Flutter、React Native、Weex、H5、小程序、区块链、数据库、游戏开发等教程(Provides a curated list of awesome iOS, including Objective-C and Swift Projects, covering tutorials on HarmonyOS development, Flutter, React Native, Weex, H5, mini programs, blockchain, databases, game development, and more...
Flutter、React Native、Weex、H5、小程序、区块链、数据库、游戏开发等教程(Provides a curated list of awesome iOS, including Objective-C and Swift Projects, covering tutorials on HarmonyOS development, Flutter, React Native, Weex, H5, mini programs, blockchain, databases, game development, and more...
VisionOS Unity IoT Metaverse Big Data Data Science Business Intelligence NFT Chatbot Cloud Smart TV NLP RPA Digital Ethics DevOps Odoo Industries Industries We focus on each domain's unique risks and opportunities, delivering agile and effective digital solutions tailored to your business needs. ...
1.2 HarmonyOS SDK 开发能力分类 HarmonyOS SDK 开放能力可以大致分为以下几类: 开发类:账号服务(Account Kit)、扫码服务(Scan Kit)、地图服务(Map Kit)、定位服务(Location Kit)、AI服务(ML Kit)、游戏服务(Game Service Kit)、驱动开发服务(Driver Development Kit) ...