A clear and comprehensive volume spanning the entire theory course, HARMONY AND VOICE LEADING, Fourth Edition, begins with coverage of basic concepts of theory and harmony and moves into coverage of advanced dissonance and chromaticism. It emphasizes the linear aspects of music as much as the harmo...
A clear and accessible volume spanning the entire theory course sequence, HARMONY AND VOICE LEADING covers all basic concepts, including species counterpoint. Available with MindTap Music (sold separately), which includes the ebook with audio examples, Guided Listening Exercises for many units--showing...
(hexatonic, octatonic, and whole tone), as found in the first movement of Gaubert's "Troisieme Sonate" (1933), while Part 2 discusses unusual voice-leading techniques and symmetrical (but mainly diatonic) pitch and pitch-class arrangements, as found mostly in the "Scherzo-Valse...
《Harmony and Voice Leading》作者:Edward Aldwell;Carl Schachter;Allen Cadwallader,出版社:Cengage Learning,ISBN:9780495189756。Aclearandcomprehensivevolumespanningtheentiretheor
值得一提的是,《Harmony & Voice Leading(第四版)》中对于半音化声部连接技术的讲解非常详细和系统,读者可以通过这本书来深入了解和学习这一技术,从而提高自己的音乐素养。在学习过程中,也可以通过多听多比较来感受不同音乐作品中半音化声部连接技术的运用,从而更好地掌握这一技巧。希望本文对读者们有所帮助,也希望...
音乐与表演 M U S I C & P E R F O R M A N C E 2 0 1 2 . 0 3 融合申克理论的和声教材 ——Harmony&VoiceLeading(第四版)评析 陈治(南京艺术学院流行音乐学院,江苏南京210013) [摘要]本文从结构延长理念,对位原则的贯通及实用性、互动性三个方面对Harmony&VoiceLeading (第四版)这本和声教材...
also known as triads. These chords should matchand compliment the phrase structure of the overall song.For example, when the song ends, the listener should beable to tell from a conclusive sounding harmonization thatthe end has occurred and that nothing else will follow.General voice leading rules...
1:Tonic.2:supertonic.3:mediant.4:subdominant.5:dominant.6:submediant.7:leading tone。 The Octave八度 word:register ['redʒɪstə]音域indicate equivalent相等的 The beginning and ending tones of Example 1-4 are both C,but they are not one and the same tone.The last tone sounds conside...
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【预订】Harmony and Voice Leading 9781337560573》。最新《【预订】Harmony and Voice Leading 9781337560573》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《【预订】Harmony and Voice Leading 9781337560573