Harmonized Tariff Codes, also known as Harmonized System (HS) codes or simply tariff codes, are a standardized international system used to classify and categorize products for import and export customs purposes. These codes are numeric and typically consist of six digits, although some countries may...
HS (Harmonized System) codes are a set of numerical codes used to classify traded goods worldwide. HTS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule) codes, however, are used by US Customs and Border Protection to determine the applicable customs duties, taxes, and tariffs for imports. ...
USA Harmonized Tariff Schedule codes (HTS-US ) are used for import categorization. Use this number for import paperwork and electronic filing. Schedule B codes are used for export categorization. Use this number for export paperwork and EEI filing. As a signatory to the HS Convention, the USA ...
HS Codes for Export and Import That’s exactly where Freightos’ Harmonized Code Duty Calculator comes in handy. Just head to the top of this page, start entering the product you’re shipping into the HS Code Finder, and the calculator will pull results from the customs HS tariff codes lis...
Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) classification Spend fewer hours determining and maintaining product classification Classify your HTS codes efficiently Optimize the speed and accuracy of your import/export classification system Streamline and automate your workflow with ONESOURCE® ...
ASEAN countries follow the ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN) – where the first six digits still take reference from the international HS codes – but there are an additional two digits at the end that further break down the sub-headings. Commodities shipped within ASEAN normally use th...
In the US, for example, the HTS codes are administered by the US International Trade Commission (USITC), which links the codes to the relevant duty and tax legislation in that jurisdiction. In the US, this system is known as the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). ...
The Harmonized Tariff Schedule or HS Tariff, known internationally as the Harmonized System is a list of all of the classification codes for goods that are being imported or exported. The Harmonized Tariff Schedule classifies a good based on its name, use, and/or the material used in its cons...
In today’s competitive and complex trade environment, the Harmonized System Codes make the product classifications easier and risk-free for the customs and trade authorities. India uses the eight-digit Indian Tariff Code to conform to national trade requirements. Since its adoption,...