We describe each of these assumptions and interpretations below, and provide products resulting from steps (1), (3), and (4) so that other researchers can choose to implement alternative assumptions and interpretations as fits their research aims. We also describe all data sources used in step ...
In the first section, it analyzes the recent agenda for digital heritage of the European Union as a harmonizing project to create a smooth space of cultural heritage. In the next sections, the development of a harmonized virtual exhibit on the history of technology in Europe forms a case ...
Within academia, definitions of food security grew largely from qualitative research and empirical testing within the US. An expert panel convened in 1989 by the Life Sciences Research Office (LSRO) [55] contributed to the foundation for a standardized operational definition. Preliminary studies inform...
An open-source, multilingual food vocabulary of basic ingredients and directly derived food products can form the base lingua franca that product research and development efforts reference in proprietary rules or machine learning algorithms that drive food-related software. A commercial recipe phone app ...
All in all, this interactive workshop focused on challenges and successes of addressing stability concerns that affect pharmaceutical development, manufacturing, distribution, and use of drug substances/products for which no or limited ICH guidance exists. The interactive meeting provided a unique ...
household chemical products by visiting 4 major discount stores and studying the household chemical products for sale for 1 month in March 2009, April 2010, and May 2011. Since distribution through the internet is popular, we also selected 8 internet shopping malls and performed market research. ...
ghskoreaharmonizedgloballyoverviewdevelopment OverviewofGHS(GloballyHarmonizedSystem)inKorea andthedirectionoffurtherdevelopment Sung-woonLee a ,Soon-youngOh b ,Tae-guKim c, * a KoreaOccupationalSafety&HealthAgency,SouthKorea b HyundaiSamhoHeavyIndustriesCo.,Ltd,SouthKorea c DepartmentofSafetyEngineering&AEI...
ghskoreaharmonizedgloballyoverviewdevelopment OverviewofGHS(GloballyHarmonizedSystem)inKorea andthedirectionoffurtherdevelopment Sung-woonLee a ,Soon-youngOh b ,Tae-guKim c, * a KoreaOccupationalSafety&HealthAgency,SouthKorea b HyundaiSamhoHeavyIndustriesCo.,Ltd,SouthKorea c DepartmentofSafetyEngineering&AEI...