Quantum PhysicsThe determination of the eigenenergies of a quantum anharmonic oscillator consists merely in finding the zeros of a function of the energy, namely the Wronskian of two solutions of the Schroedinger equation which are regular respectively at the origin and at infinity. We show in ...
S.M. Blinder, in Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (Second Edition), 2021 Supplement 6A. Anharmonic oscillator An anharmonic oscillator is one which deviates from the exact form of the harmonic oscillator. We will consider the case of an oscillator with a quartic anharmonicity. We write the Ham...
Hello, I tried to consider one-dimensional anharmonic (cubic) oscillator in second quantization formalism. And I found that energy difference between...
Harmonic Harmonic oscillator Mechanics Oscillator Quantum Quantum mechanics In summary, the given conversation discusses a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator and a particle with mass m in a state that has a 50% probability of having an energy of ##\hbar\omega/2## and a 50% probability of havin...
foundation for the understanding of complex modes of vibration in larger molecules, the motion of atoms in a solid lattice, the theory of heat capacity, etc. In fact, the energy levels of a harmonic oscillator are quantised. The energy of the state for which the quantum number is n is ...
Quantum Optics Avijit Lahiri, in Basic Optics, 2016 8.4.4 Harmonic Oscillator: Classical and Nonclassical States The basic idea In Section 8.4.3 I described three classes of states of the harmonic oscillator: the number states, the coherent states, and the squeezed states. It is now ...
R. Endo, K. Fujii and T. Suzuki : General Solution of the Quantum Damped Harmonic Oscillator, arXiv : 0710.2724 [quant-ph].General Solution of the Quantum Damped Harmonic Oscillator - Endo, Fujii, et al. () Citation Context ...antum Physics. To realize it we must overcome severe ...
Manuel F. Ranada, A Quantum Quasi-Harmonic Nonlinear Oscillator with an Isotonic Term, AIP Journal of Mathematical Physics 55, 082108 (2014)M. F. Ran˜ada, "A quantum quasi-harmonic nonlinear oscillator with an isotonic term," e-print arXiv:1407.6287....
Foundations of PhysicsSozzo, S.: The quantum harmonic oscillator in the ESR model. Found. Phys. 43, 792-804 (2013).Sozzo, S.: The quantum harmonic oscillator in the ESR model. Found. Phys. 43 , 792–804 (2013) MathSciNet MATH ADS...
Quantum mechanics, Harmonic oscillator, Equilibrium point, Quantum gravity, Nondimensionalization, Diatomic molecule, Canonical commutation relation, Particle in a spherically symmetric potential, Gas in a harmonic trap, Creation and annihilation operators, Coherent state, Morse potential, Hooke's atom, ...