Statistics - Harmonic Mean - Harmonic Mean is also a mathematical average but is limited in its application. It is generally used to find average of variables that are expressed as a ratio of two different measuring units e. g. speed is measured in km/hr
# Python3 code to demonstrate the# working ofharmonic_mean() function# Import statistics moduleimportstatistics# list of positive real valued numbersdata = [1,3,5,7,9]# using harmonic mean function to calculate# the harmonic mean of the given data-setprint("Harmonic Mean is % s "% (stat...
Python statistics.harmonic_mean() 用于计算给定数据集的调和平均数。调和平均数是一种平均数的计算方法,用于计算一组数值的平均比例。它的计算方法是将每个数值取倒数,计算它们的算术平均数,然后再将结果取倒数。方法的参数 data 是一个包含数值的可迭代对象,例如列表或元组。它计算并返回数据集的调和平均数作为结果...
harmonicmean 调和平均数() 也可见: 泛音 mean动— 意味动 · 是指动 · 代表动 · 等于动 · 是说动 mean— 表示 · 意味着 · 意指 · 损 · 意谓 · 鄙 · 卑鄙 · 吝啬 · 刻薄 · 卑劣 · 陋 · 贫相 · 缺德 · 贫气 ·
请问执行harmonic_mean的功能为? import statistics a = [60, 40] average_a = statistics.harmonic_mean(a) print(average_a) A选项:计算调和平均数 B选项:计算几何平均数 C选项:计算算数平均数 D选项:计算中位数 题目解析 代码示例 正确答案是A
harmonic mean noun , Statistics. the mean obtained by taking the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocals of a set of nonzero numbers. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of harmonic mean1 First recorded in 1880–85 Discover More Example Sentences The harmonic mean of n ...
Harmonic mean formula This calculator uses the following formula to calculate the harmonic mean: where n is the total number of values and xi (x2, x1, ... ,xn) are the individual numbers in the data set. The formula is equivalent to: In words: The reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of...
statistics.harmonic_mean(data) Parameter Values ParameterDescription dataRequired. The data values to be used (can be any sequence, list or iterator).Note:Cannot contain negative values! Note:Ifdatais empty, it returns a StatisticsError.
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Twitter Google Share on Facebook Harmonic Average (redirected fromHarmonic Means) Encyclopedia Harmonic Average In mathematics, an average used primarily for calculating an average rate, such as an averageinterest rate. It is calculated as the reciprocal of anarithmetic meanwith inverse values. It is...