2 Despite the “lore” about vape safety and ease of access to these products, the risks remain. And, parents may not understand the harmful effects of vaping either. Despite all of the health warnings from the FDA, the phenomenon has taken the world by storm. And, vaping is inc...
It’s important to understand the potential risks of using e-cigarettes. While the long-term effects of vaping have yet to be studied, there is evidence that suggests vaping can be harmful. While current research has not identified any irreversible damage from e-cigarette use specifically, there...
To create these effects, the puffing patterns associated with vape tricks may be different than standard ad-lib e-cigarette usage. The prevalence of vape tricks and the harm associated with exposure to e-cigarette emissions when performing vape tricks is currently unknown. Objective: Our objectives...
The report found early warning signs of adverse effects of e-cigarettes on cardiovascular health markers, including blood pressure and heart rate, and lung functioning. "The evidence is there for some of the risks but for most major health outcomes, like cancer, cardiovascular disease andmental il...
whether they’re more or less harmful than cigarettes, we need to assess their long-term effects. It’s possible that they’ll create more new smokers than they’ve eliminated, but it’s still too soon to tell what proportion of people who start using nicotine by vaping will convert to ...
Effects of switching to the tobacco heating system 2.2 menthol, smoking abstinence, or continued cigarette smoking on biomarkers of exposure: a randomized, controlled, open-label, multicenter study in sequential confinement and ambulatory settings (Part 1) Nicotine Tob. Res., 21 (2017) Google Schola...
inhaled by bystanders, causing harm to others. Similarly, malfunctioning equipment has led to burn injuries, and accidental ingestion of the e-liquid has resulted in seizures and even death. The health risk of e-cigarettes needs additional research. The long-term effects of e-cigarettes are not...