Marijuana smoking not as harmful as cigarettesAssociated Press
Casual Marijuana Smoking Not Harmful to LungsChristopher Wanjek,LiveScience
- Ferguson, Missouri's Michael Brown had been smoking marijuana shortly before his strong-arm robbery and suicide by cop.- Which of these two criminals arrested in October smoke pot? The guy in his 30s who stole an ambulance and drove it home, or the guy in his 20s who stole a train ...
of decline in intelligence compares unfavorably with the four-point drop in IQ associated with smoking marijuana, according to British researchers, who have described the phenomenon of improved stupidity as "infomania". The research conducted by Hewlett Packard, the technology company, has concluded ...
Because of rising trends, using marijuana recreationally is considered by some as likely to act as a gateway drug.9 Similarly, some believe vaping THC or nicotine as in e-cigarettes could trigger additional substance abuse and unhealthy behaviors for some users. A comprehensive study publi...
"Marijuana is smoked unfiltered, versus tobacco which is usually filtered," she said. "When you're smoking unfiltered marijuana, more particulates are reaching your airways, getting deposited there and irritating your airways." Also, she added, "people usually take bigger puffs and hold the smoke...
This rate of declinein intelligence compares unfavorably with the four-point drop in IQ associated withsmoking marijuana, according to British researchers, who have described thephenonenon of improved stupidity as “infomania” . The research conducted by HewlettPackard, the technology company, has ...
"Our study clearly shows there is no stage in which tobacco smoke is innocuous to the developing fetus," Slotkin said. "We warn women about smoking during pregnancy, and most people are aware that secondhand smoke exposure is also harmful to the fetus, but our study is the first to show...
This is among the first nationally representative studies of e-cigarettes to include these kinds of measurable early indicators of the health impacts of nicotine products. Smoking traditional cigarettes in addition to using e-cigarettes results in harmful health effects similar to s...
"If you have a kidney disease or you are taking one or more drugs that are metabolized primarily through the kidney and you're also smoking marijuana, you could be inhibiting normal kidney function, and it may have long-term effects for you," Lazarus said. ...