LED lights with high 460-495nm blue content should carry the warning label "may be harmful if used at night." BOSTON,Oct. 9, 2023/PRNewswire/ -- Many of the lights sold today are causing major health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and breast canc...
LED lights have actually been around for more than 50 years, although the initial variety emitted low-intensity infrared light. Red LEDs developed into blue LEDs a decade later, followed by the white LEDs that we see in thousands of applications today. Currently, LED lights come in a variety ...
The article discusses aspects of dangers to eye tissue and eyesight from harmful lights of digital devices. It states that adults are unaware of the potential dangers of blue light emitted from light-emitting diode (LED) and compact fluorescent light (CFL) to eyes and mentions adults spending ...
2014b)). However, the ecology of introduced fishes in prairie streams and their effects on native assemblages have received comparably less attention than other ecoregions of North America (Dodds et al. 2004). Herein, we (1) introduce the characteristics of prairie streams, (2) review common i...
Thus, it is able to cause greater viral protein and nucleic acid destruction to the virus compared to other UV-C tools while hindered by the top-most layers of the human skin and eyes — meaning that it has little-to-no harmful health effects at doses that are capable of completely ...
【24hr】Effects of nitrogen on interspecific competition between two cell-size cyanobacteria: Microcystis aeruginosa and Synechococcus sp. 包量 机译 氮对两种细胞大小的蓝细菌之间的种间竞争的影响:铜绿微囊藻和Synechococcus sp。 作者:Tan Xiao;Gu Huihui;Ruan Yinlan;Zhong Jiajia;Parajuli Keshab;Hu Jianyong...
And that is what we take advantage of in a lot of sensing technologies. We can identify specific pigments based on their absorption and emission spectra. Some of the peaks that are shown here are what we commonly use when we filter LED lights, for example, to hit th...
of aluminum—from pier-side stockpiles to docked ships for export. Behind the jetty, gaseous and particulate emissions pour out of a smokestack. Meanwhile, bauxite dust drifts towards the neighboring town of Kamsar, where residents link the bauxite plant's operations to health effects such as ...
Notes for a presentation to the Leadership Forum, University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy, Minneapolis MN, October 5, 2016(Links to video and audio recordings of the presentation itself are on this site.)
of a wide range of co-residing bacteria, which regulate the balance among these microorganisms in plant roots and thus ensure plant survival in nature. These are the conclusions of a study published in the journalCellthat was led by Stephane Hacquard and Paul Schulze-Lefert at the Max Planck...