Visit the official Harman Audio store for the latest audio products, including bluetooth speakers from JBL, Harman Kardon soundbars, AKG headphones and Infinity home audio.
HARMAN’s market-proven navigation and infotainment solutions for the world’s car makers make your daily commute entertaining, informative, and productive with a paramount concern for safety and security. Unparallel audio experiences wherever you are ...
Track your Harman Kardon US order status with tracking number, explore Harman Kardon US store tech stack.
The official app for setting up and controlling Harman Kardon speakers and soundbars. Compatible with the following models: - Harman Kardon Enchant 900, 1100 -…
A Harman Kardon Citation device(s). Latest version of the Google Home app installed on your mobile device. Latest version of the Google app(Android only) installed on your mobile device A Google Account (you can create one online via Google). ...
利用Harman Kardon Citation MultiBeam™ 700 上的彩色預設顯示圖示,您可輕鬆即時存取您最愛的音樂播放清單,並控制所有智慧家居裝置。 絕佳音質與精緻 Harman Kardon Citation MultiBeam™ 700 是 Harman Kardon 呈現的首個最先進的高端音訊產品,65 年來,Harman Kardon 一直是世界...
Harman Kardon Citation 200 是同類產品中第一個真正優質的產品,是 Harman Kardon 最先進音響產品的極致,而 Harman Kardon 成為世界上最重要的高保真音效產品供應商已達 65 年以上。 出色的設計 Harman Kardon Citation 200 將家用音響的創新與微妙的設計融為一身。由 Kvadrat 製造的優質混合羊毛面料讓其具有防汙與阻...
65 年來,Harman Kardon 一直致力於提供奢華的音訊體驗,讓聽眾用心感受音樂並讓他們沉浸在當下。Citation 對音質提供極致表達,是世界上首個真正的高端產品。 音樂無處不在 Citation 500 透過加入額外的 Citation 喇叭提供多房間功能,以打造極致的全房間音訊體驗。您可以在不同的房間播放同一首音樂或不同的音樂,並透...
Harman Kardon Citation Tower 融合了精緻設計,並利用 Google Assistant,使原汁原味、音樂會級聲音充斥每個房間。 - JBL, Harman Kardon, Infinity & AKG | Reviews Visit the official Harman Audio store for the latest audio products, including bluetooth speakers from JBL, Harman Kardon soundbars, AKG headphones and Infinity home audio. ...