哈曼卡顿软件为大家整理了哈曼卡顿harmankardon公司出品的一些软件,包括电脑端的驱动,也包括了手机上的应用程序,如hk citation surround、harman kardon controller、哈曼卡顿harman kardon remote、harman kardon headphones、hk connect、 AKG Headphone、小曼助手、SoundSteer等,有调节音响的,有适合进行耳机连接的,也有控制...
应用官网:https://www.harmankardon.com/ ITMOP本地下载 安全下载 通过360手机助手下载 0%(0)差评0%(0) 哈曼卡顿音响app又名HK Controller,支持绝大部分哈曼卡顿智能音箱型号,可轻松匹配相应的产品,通过蓝牙和wifi完成参数设置,打造更好的使用体验,非常推荐哈曼卡顿用户安装。
The Harman Kardon Controller app works seamlessly with the Harman Kardon Omni 10+, Omni 20+, Omni 50+, Omni Bar+, Omni Adapt+, and Omni Adapt+Amp speakers to let you stream HD audio around your home. Use the Controller app to set up and customize your speakers, setup a true wireless...
应用官网:https://www.harmankardon.com/ ITMOP本地下载 0%(0)差评0%(0) Harman Kardon Controller是专为哈曼卡顿系列音箱打造的控制软件,可以轻松设置各音箱的参数,并支持手机串流播放,打造极佳的影音播放效果,还有诸多使用的小工具等你体验。 HK Controller介绍: ...
The Harman Kardon Controller app works seamlessly with the Harman Kardon Omni 10+, Omni 20+, Omni 50+, Omni Bar+, Omni Adapt+, and Omni Adapt+Amp speakers to let you stream HD audio around your home. Use the Controller app to set up and customize your speakers, setup a true wireless...
The Harman Kardon Controller app works seamlessly with the Harman Kardon Omni 10+, Omni 20+, Omni 50+, Omni Bar+, Omni Adapt+, and Omni Adapt+Amp speakers to le…
Apple Watch Kuvaus The Harman Kardon Controller app works seamlessly with the Harman Kardon Omni 10+, Omni 20+, Omni 50+, Omni Bar+, Omni Adapt+, and Omni Adapt+Amp speakers to let you stream HD audio around your home. Use the Controller app to set up and customize your speakers, setu...
hk controller手机版简介 HK Controller 应用程序与Harman Kardon Omni 10+、Omni 20+、Omni 50+、Omni Bar+, Omni Adapt+ 及 Omni Adapt+Amp音箱无缝连接,让您在家即可享受高保真声音体验。 Harman Kardon Controller app特色 您可以通过使用 HK Controller应用程序设置并个性化定制您的音箱,如:设置5.1 环绕声系统;...
Harman Kardon CONTROLLER APP设计 作者: Harman Design、Alexandre Efimov、Gigi Guo 来源: 视觉同盟 时间: 2016年9月7日 (责任编辑: Admin )相关文章·Nubank, Picpay and Banco Inter App… ·Task Mangement APP设计 ·One Bank App设计 ·室内家具店APP设计 ·My Seven App设计 ·Niki App设计 ·葡萄牙设...