On behalf of the entire staff and board of directors of the Harm Reduction Coalition I would like to thank all of you for attending the 8th National Harm Reduction Conference. Special thanks to the speakers, exhibitors, local organizing committee, child care providers, reiki practitioner, moderato...
Academic Press, San Diego (1999) Google Scholar Glaser, 1992 B. Glaser Basics of grounded theory analysis Sociology Press, Mill Valley, CA (1992) Google Scholar Harm Reduction Coalition, 2009 Harm Reduction Coalition Mission and principles of harm reduction [website] Harm Reduction Coalition, Oakla...
07-18-19 ... TheKelsey Coalitionis delivering apetition to the Surgeon General next week- please consider signing thisPetition, which begins: "We are alerting you to the harmful hormonal and irreversible surgical interventions that are being performed on gender-nonconforming children without one sin...