On behalf of the entire staff and board of directors of the Harm Reduction Coalition I would like to thank all of you for attending the 8th National Harm Reduction Conference. Special thanks to the speakers, exhibitors, local organizing committee, child care providers, reiki practitioner, moderato...
Topics discussed include the highlights of the 2014 Harm Reduction Coalition conference held in Baltimore, Maryland, political concerns associated with the legalization of marijuana, and the perceived link between marijuana legalization and increase in marijuana availability and utilization.Weiner...
Alcohol Harm Reduction 2021 and Beyond: Current Status of Policy, Programs and Practices Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Availability of data and materials Abbreviations References Acknowledgements Funding Author information Ethics declarations Additional informa...
rates of physical and emotional trauma, severe medical comorbidities and mental illness, and difficult social circumstances that can be barriers to achieving stable housing and long-term alcohol abstinence. Internationally, harm reduction strategies have gained traction by focusing on the reduction in alco...
Peer involvement of people who use drugs within HIV and harm reduction services is widely promoted yet under-utilised. Alongside political and financial barriers is a limited understanding of the roles, impacts, contexts and mechanisms for peer involveme
07-18-19 ... TheKelsey Coalitionis delivering apetition to the Surgeon General next week- please consider signing thisPetition, which begins: "We are alerting you to the harmful hormonal and irreversible surgical interventions that are being performed on gender-nonconforming children without one sin...
and to accelerate nationally the process of recovery and development; (b) to translate this vision into a single, coherent strategic framework that has clear objectives and priorities, taking full account of the Government’s own goals as reflected in the poverty reduction strategy and its priority...