12/1/05 Many roads in Cambodia are being built by Chinese contractors. I have noticed this in other developing countries all over the world. They build a basic but solid road, often as a gift or development aid or on a long term loan. It seems to develop a lot of good will between ...
Custom crafted timber frame homes, Service Construction Company Inc. can create the timber frame home of your dreams. Kitchen Remodeling Contractor Lehigh Valley Poconos Kitchen Remodeling Contractor Poconos Kitchen Remodeling Contractor Lehigh Valley Kitchen RemodelingLehighton PA- Before and After Kitchen R...
26/4/01 A full day doing our share of repairs to the bike like fitting a new rack (the old one had cracked beyond repair), brake pads, battery, front engine mount (our third) and rear bumper all destroyed in Africa. Parts generously supplied by Morgan and Wacker H-D of Australia. 2...