Although the Dyna name itself did not come about until 1991, the origins of this line of Harley-Davidson motorcycles can be traced back two decades prior to that. The late 1960s brought forth a spike in the scene of custom motorcycles. In response to this trend, Harley-Davidson...
欢迎来到“摩托佬的机车世界”,今天我们来探索和了解一辆改装过的巡航摩托1995 Harley-Davidson FXDWG Dyna。本篇文章旨在通过文字的方式,去记录、回顾和欣赏哪些过去的经典机车,让我们跨越时间的长河,去感受它的魅力吧!这辆1995年款哈雷戴维森FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide是车主在该车上市一年后购买的。买来之后便开始了...
2010 Harley-Davidson Dyna Wide Glide 是在优酷播出的汽车高清视频,于2009-12-13 02:25:28上线。视频内容简介:2010 Harley-Davidson Dyna Wide Glide
2013 Harley-Davidson FXDC Dyna Super Glide Custom – USA Specifications/Technical DetailsUS MSRP Price: Custom Color Option $13,199 USD DIMENSIONSLength 92.3 in. (2345 mm)Overall Width 37.6 in. (955 mm)Overall Height 46.3 in. (1175 mm)...
2010 Harley-Davidson Models: What will the new model year bring? (Photo by Kevin Wing) It's that time of year again: collecting the latest information about the upcoming 2010 Harley-Davidson models. 7/25/2009 update: H-D announces 9 new models for 2010. Advertisements - Story Continues ...
哈雷摩托吧—— Harley-Davidson Dyna Low Rider重出江湖! 只看楼主 收藏 回复 打赏 mi无忧 初为骑民 1 () 打赏 魔鬼要索吻 圣殿骑士 12 你就不能发高清图片吗,,图片太小了不可抚平的乱发 北欧女神 11 楼上说的对 ………干掉吧主,我就是一人之下,万人之上朕的爱菲丶 北欧女神 11 3楼说...
The Wide Glide model (FXDWG in the Harley alphabet) that is the subject of this review is the most stylish of all the Dyna Glide models. It is the fullest Dyna Glide expression of the factory custom concept that Harley-Davidson has been refining since the late 1970's. ...
You can find 50 used and new black denim Harley-Davidson Dyna motocycles for sale here. Any sportbike, chopper, touring, minibike, scooter, as well as Harley-Davidson Dyna moto parts.
The Harley-Davidson® Street Bob® gets a tougher profile for 2013 with new blacked-out triple clamps and powertrain, and a chopped rear fender with side-mounted license plate and stop/turn/tail lights. This rowdy Dyna bobber features a solo seat and mini-ape handlebar mounted on new ris...