丑角综合征(Harlequin syndrome)是在1988年,由Lance医生首先报道的一种罕见的累及交感神经的植物神经系统疾病。该病以患者在运动、发热、情绪变化等因素下出现单侧面部潮红、出汗为主要临床表现。 我们先了解一下交感神经的通路。 如上图所示,交感神经通路包括三级神经元:一...
Background: Harlequin syndrome is a rare autonomic disorder, characterized by unilateral hyperhidrosis and flushing, which are predominantly induced by heat or exercise. The sympathetic deficits are usually confined to the face. Seldom, the autonomic deficits involve the upper limb and trunk. It is ...
Background A 55-year-old woman presented to hospital with a 3-month history of asymmetric facial flushing of the skin during exertion, and an 18-month history of left-sided ptosis and miosis. Detailed medical history analysis revealed that a palpable nod
关于Harlequin syndrome(丑角综合症)相关知识概括错误的是( )A.监护可见左右手氧饱和度差异B.发生的前提是肺氧合功能正常C.危害是脑及心氧供未及时改善D.Harlequin syndrome的解决办法之一是将ECMO模式进行调整,由VA调成VAV或+VVE.Harlequin syndrome的解决办法之一是
harlequin syndrome in childhood:harlequin综合征儿童 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: ▲An Bras Dermatol. 2012;87(6):907-9.907Harlequin syndrome in childhood - Case report *Síndrome de Arlequim na infância - Relato de casoJuliano de Avelar Breunig1Mariana Hartmann2Cristiano Firpo Freire3Hiram Larangeira ...
The term ‘Harlequin syndrome’ should be used exclusively for attacks of flushing and sweating which are not associated with any other neurological symptoms. When these symptoms appear in conjunction with other autonomic disorders, the term ‘Harlequin sign’ should be used.16 The diagnostic process...
Harlequin Syndrome Following Implantation of Intrathecal Pumps: A Case Series 2015, Neuromodulation Harlequin syndrome after thyroidectomy for compressive retrosternal goiter. Case report and review of the literature 2014, Acta Chirurgica Belgica The Harlequin phenomenon 2011, Journal of the European Academy...
We describe the novel association of Horner syndrome and contralateral paroxysmal facial flushing and sweating (Harlequin syndrome) with overlap parasomnia. CASE 1 A 66 year old woman suffered right jaw and multiple limb fractures when she was 45. Since then she had recurrent sudden onset episodes ...
Harlequin syndrome is an autonomic syndrome of heat, emotion and exercise induced flushing and sweating limited to one side of the face in combination with impairment of sweating and flushing on the contralateral side. Facial flushing and sweating has been named the Harlequin Sign. This rare feature...