Eddie Murphy‘s “Harlem Nights” is an uninspired cross between “The Cotton Club” and the characters of Damon Runyon, told in cliches so broad you keep waiting for it to poke fun at itself, but it never does. The movie starsRichard Pryoras a Harlem speakeasy owner and Murphy as his ...
“Harlem Nights” (citywide) opens with something shocking for an Eddie Murphy movie: unintentional humor. In glamorous script, the credits announce that this is a Paramount presentation, in association with Eddie Murphy Productions . . . of an Eddie Murphy film, starring . . . Eddie Murphy. ...
People inside and outside IHIH stress that its goal isn’t about building good hockey players. It’s about building good people. Levy’s voice filled with pride recently when he talked aboutMalik Garvin,who he use to coach on cold Harlem nights at Lasker. Saturday, Garvin scored his first...