Harlan Coben With over 80 million books in print worldwide, Harlan Coben is the #1 New York Times author of thirty five novels includingWIN,THE BOY FROM THE WOODS,RUN AWAY,FOOL ME ONCE,TELL NO ONEand the renowned Myron Bolitar series. His books are published in 46 languages around the g...
You can order signed copies of my books from Words Bookstore in Maplewood NJ Click here to visit their website. I’m interested in the character-naming charitable donation program. Where can I get more information? For more information write tocharity@harlancoben.com....
Vote for the Harlan Coben novels you just couldn't put down. If you haven't read a book, don't downvote it. Thriller fans delight in Harlan Coben's storytelling. His narratives grip the imagination and leave readers clamoring for more. The best Harlan Coben books serve up fast-paced act...
作者 Harlan Coben著 出版社 OrionBooks 出版时间 2001年12月 ISBN 9780752847337 定价 169.40 作者简介 HarlanCobenisthemostexcitingtalentincrimewriting.Heisaninternationalnumberonebestseller,gracingthelistsofboththeSundayTimesandtheNewYorkTimes.Hisbooksarepublishedinoverfortylanguagesandtherearemorethan47...
Do you love watching all of those international best-sellingHarlan Cobenbooks come to life as mini-series on Netflix? Oh they're so much fun, easily bingeable in one weekend. There are eight mini-series on Netflix from Coben's 35 novels right now and when a new one drops onto the st...
Of course, reading the Harlan Coben books in order for his Myron Bolitar and Mickey Bolitar series is recommended, however,the standalone psychological thriller novels can be read in any order youget to pick them up. No Second Chance has been made into a French TV miniseries with the same...
HARLAN COBEN 出版时间 2021-05-04 页数 400 正文语种 英语 版本 平装 出版社名称 Dutton Books 装帧类型 平装 进口书分类 其他小说 语言 英文 图文详情 0 本店推荐 穿袜子的狐狸 Fox in Socks 英文原版绘本 儿童纸板书 Dr. Seuss 苏斯博士系列 廖彩杏推荐 英文版 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Ly8vLyJPLA==] 123...
Do you love watching all of those international best-sellingHarlan Cobenbooks come to life as mini-series on Netflix? Oh they're so much fun, easily bingeable in one weekend. There are eight mini-series on Netflix from Coben's 35 novels right now and when a new one drops onto the st...
Live Wire From the Number One bestselling creator of the hit Netflix series Missing You Harlan Coben More books by this author More books by this publisher Supported devices This eBook is not available in your country. Sometimes the ugliest truth is better than the prettiest of lies... From...