After comparing the values of mean square error and mean absolute deviation for all models, there are three models chosen to represent the time series data of the price of palm oil which are quadratic model, exponential smoothing model and ARIMA(0,1,4) model.ShamsuritawatiSharif...
The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze: channels and marketingmargins of TBS as well as palm oil prices received by Swadaya Farmers; thecorrelation or relationship between the price of oil palm paid PKS with the pricereceived by swadaya farmers and the effect of price (price...
PENERAPAN MODEL EGARCH PADA ESTIMASI VOLATILITAS HARGA MINYAK KELAPA SAWITGood news and bad news (commonly known as the asymmetric effect) on the price of palm oil, has been the grounds of palm oil price volatility. Estimation of volatility needs to be conducted for the purposes of advance ...
PERANAN KOMISI PENGAWAS PERSAINGAN USAHA DALAM PENGENDALIAN HARGA TERKAIT DUGAAN KARTEL TANDAN BUAH SEGAR KELAPA SAWITThis analysis essay, entitled The role of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission in the price control related to alleged car...