The government's basis paddy price policy, which was determined by Inpres No. 9, 2002 can't be implemented effectively because government doesn't maintain the compatible supporting policy. Factors that influence the paddy production are last year paddy harvest area, rice import, price of urea-...
Kajian Model Peramalan Clustering Time Series untuk Penggerombolan Provinsi Indonesia berdasarkan Harga Berasdoi:10.29244/ijsa.v6i1p50-62Most indonesians consume rice as the main staple. The high low price of rice has an impact on farmers and communities, especially those who c...
Menurut Mendag Busan, meskipun ada sedikit kenaikan harga beras medium, pemerintah telah menyiapkan intervensi pasar melalui program Stabilisasi Pasokan dan Harga Pangan (SPHP). Upaya itu dijalankan untuk menjaga harga tetap stabil. Hadir mendampingi Mendag Busan, yaitu Sekretaris Direktorat ...
In response to dealing with the spread of Covid-19 cases, Indonesian government has imposed social restrictions which directly impacts people's economic activities including food sector. Considering rice as the main food product for most Indonesian people, this study ...
The purpose of this research was to know the risk of price fluctuation in marketing of local and import rice in Indonesia. This research had function to give information in choose type of rice will be sell. The data analyzed with E-V analyzed and portfolio theory (price, mean price, ...