Tropical Centre offers mostly winterhardy Tropical and Desert plants like: Yucca, Agave, Dasylirion, Palms, Musa, Tree ferns etc.
Colorado Edible Forest specializes in hardy, edible perennial plants including fruit trees, berry bushes, edible vines, and perennial vegetables for sale by appointment in Spring Valley of Glenwood Springs, CO. Services include consulting, custom grafti
Colorado Edible Forest specializes in hardy, edible perennial plants including fruit trees, berry bushes, edible vines, and perennial vegetables for sale by appointment in Spring Valley of Glenwood Springs, CO. Services include consulting, custom grafti
Young plants and fresh divisions are sensitive to sunburn and windburn as much as freezing – baby them along for a bit by protecting them from sun, wind and frost with floating row cover or the like. And speaking of hardening off, we’ve been moving tomato plants a lot this week – S...